Requesting a hair follicle drug test during a custody case in Texas

When it comes to child custody cases in Texas, one of the most important factors that a court will consider is the safety and well-being of the child or children involved. In order to ensure that the child is in a safe and stable environment, the court may order a hair follicle drug test for one or both parents.

A hair follicle drug test is a type of drug test that analyzes a sample of hair to detect the presence of drugs or alcohol in a person’s system. Unlike urine or blood tests, a hair follicle test can detect drug use for a much longer period of time, usually up to 90 days. This makes it an effective tool for determining whether a parent has a history of drug or alcohol abuse, which can have a significant impact on the child’s safety and well-being.

If you are involved in a child custody case in Texas and want to request a hair follicle drug test for the other parent, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First, it’s important to understand that the court will only order a drug test if there is a reasonable suspicion that the parent has a problem with drugs or alcohol. This means that you will need to present evidence to the court that suggests the other parent may have a substance abuse issue.

Examples of evidence that may be used to support a request for a hair follicle drug test include:

  • Eyewitness accounts of the parent using drugs or alcohol
  • Arrest records or other legal documents that indicate the parent has a history of drug or alcohol abuse
  • Testimony from family members, friends, or other individuals who have observed the parent’s behavior and can attest to their drug or alcohol use

Once you have gathered the necessary evidence, you will need to file a motion with the court to request the drug test. This motion should include a detailed explanation of the reasons for the request, as well as any evidence that you have collected. It’s also a good idea to consult with an attorney who can guide you through the process and help you present your case in the strongest possible light.

It’s important to note that a hair follicle drug test is not always conclusive, and the results may be challenged in court. However, if the test results are positive, it can have a significant impact on the outcome of the custody case. A positive test result may be used as evidence that the parent is not fit to have primary custody of the child and may result in a more limited parenting plan.

In conclusion, if you are involved in a child custody case in Texas, and you believe that the other parent may have a problem with drugs or alcohol, requesting a hair follicle drug test may be an important step in protecting the child’s safety and well-being. Keep in mind that this process requires evidence and a proper legal representation to be successful. It’s important to work closely with an attorney throughout the process and present the strongest possible case to the court.